
what's it take?

honestly, I don't know.
that's what makes it fun.
the journey, the means.

park car near base of
Yellow Hill on Friday.
Ride home on Jabberfixy
w/ OldManWithers and
KeeferKeefer. Keefer
kept it honest, towing
us around. Only one
fixy incident, hooked a
root during singeltrack
frenzy, weightless yanked
recovery into soft bendy
pine. Couple hours later,
overworked body english
to clear fatigued uphill
dead spot log, searing pain
thru the shoulder...ooops.
6:00 to cover 46 to the

Saturday morning finds
tight and tender shoulder.
Weather delay for the roll
out w/ Bender, 44 deg rain
just not inspiring. 9:30 and
into the steady pitter pat.
Sooofffft fireroading up
and out Ridge. On the Salsa
for sanity sake. Ridge Rd was
all but shivering cold across
the top, plunge to Moss was
tight, then breaking weather
and rain gear stowage at the
Deer Fence 3hrs in. Slummed
it to Camp321 out of Big Flat,
reverse flow from day before,
Yellow Hill was big mtn speed
sensations, sustained twenty
couple plus is tough to find
'round here. 38+ in 6:20
elapsed from town. Shared
wavelength beer @ the Pub
w/ Buck & Mattchew aided
recovery for...

What the hell...let's do Roubaix.
Lazyness getting feet to floor,
minimal expenditure, just get
on the road, day three mindset.
You remember how this goes...
Fixy tossed in whole, time to roll.
Hit Carpong Bachelorville w/ JimmiMac
in the house. Roll out Processional,
curious what's in the tank, what's in store.

40:15 is so much 'easier' to ride
off the front. Geared road bikes
have no sense of flow with the
terrain. sitting in grew frustrating...
I hate using brakes going into a climb,
and all you hear is click-click-click....argh.
There goes my mo...Fun rollout though,
tested the legs once, really kinda
surprised. Carp got in me head.
"First part, all you..mostly climbing,

Took the bait, chased down young
CCMichaels, then just hammered the
fuck out of it for the hell of it. Got my
drool on until the boys got serious
and used their big rings to swarm me
into the pave'. Then slummmed on for
dear life too afraid to count seconds
to the horizon and the leader group
disappearing over it. Listened in as
JB expounded the virtues of the Cat
third eye chainwatcher thingajig to
the fella that dropped his chain...want
my advice? You don't need any
of that shit! get out of my way,
I'm chasing some shit down.

Then I see a 30mph black speck
come arcing in off the field, hhhurk!?!?!
Did that go in? Did I just suck down a bug?
Damn it went in clean, didn't even feel it,
sucked in on the uptake.,,,maybe I'm cool.

cough, cough, hack...oh, maybe not.
braaaakes....cough, hack, puke, yeha,
this is neat...pedal, try to breath, stop,
rinse and repeat until you fool the body
that you can breath again. GOOOO!.
Pcik up Misty's group, roll w/ them, then
on it on the chicken climb. Then two hours
of blurry verge of crampage on the rivet
TT chasing...answered questions, raised
new ones, usual shit. Think I mightta
finished 7th-ish for that's worth, or 17th,
Jeremiah kept the honors in the host 'burg,
craftily snatching the win from Dirty D &
JimmiMac. I'm stoked to hopefully see
some actual TV time if that's ever made
available...it'd be a first. (errrr, second...)

oh, stats, 58+ in 3:45, no idea about the
'race loop' breakdown, 48 in 2:45ish...
rolled thru Browntown on the way out, not
sure when we started exactly...


fxdwhl said...

now that's a holiday weekend! road bikes can have flow but it takes effort.

Anonymous said...

tomi, did you get the picture of you dominating chaz michaels michaels? Saw some nice video of the Roubaix and you got some serious camera time! Way to hurt.

Tomi said...

nahhh, haven't seen anything yet...