
along those lines...

Stumbled across this, the late Vince Marinaro
opines about fishing rods, found in an essay
in The Gordon Garland, copy on the way..

To be sure there are glass rods to be seen on the Letort these days but for those who can remember there is a peculiar affinity,– an intimacy and a sympathetic response obtainable in the old split bamboo rod that is not obtainable in the product of the modern glass factory. I fear that we have permitted the scientist, the chemical engineer, and the slick merchandising traps to rob us of much of our pleasure.

In those occasional moments when you are a little weary with the grind of life when you retire in solitude to lick your wounds, do you, seeking a little comfort from an old friend, do you, I ask, pick up your best spra-flex, hypo-dynamic, double-bend glass rod and find that comfort in the cold chemistry of silicate sand?

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