
for freedom.

got together with the extended family for bit of mountain bicycle freedom celebrations down in WestByGawVirginny over the wknd. Full effect two day shuttle maximized the trail lovin'. Gaggle of fifteen fools of Foof, 'burgians, 'cakes and even a native son on hand for SpruceBerries-High Meadows-Horton-SpringValley-Allegheny on Saturday, 40 in 7.5. Lose a pair, add a bunch and you get 22 of us traversing the GnarlyNorth on Sunday, 5hours of quintessential east coast ridge love.  Team ACL Buck & Martino were missed. Awesome to see Sue's HUGE smile talking about her fresh tastes of pedal freedom once again. 

drive, beer, fire, beer, sleep, eggs, bacon, shuttle, riiiiiiiiding, burritos & beer, fire, beer, fire, beer, sleep, pancakes, shuttle, riiiiiiiiiiiide, beer, break camp, pizza, drivvvve, zzzzzz.

yeah, it was alright.

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